

Renovating for Profit

When it comes to renovating a property for profit, there are a number of factors to consider in terms of how to go about your renovations.    The first and most important step before you start is to detach yourself from the property, you can’t make choices based on personal preference, you need to consider how other people can live

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Building Outdoor Areas

Outdoor areas can bring a different element to your home. Having an outdoor space for entertaining or relaxing can almost become an escape. From decks to pergolas nestled in the garden, our team are experienced in building any type of outdoor area for homes throughout Brisbane. When deciding to add a deck, pergola or any outdoor area to your home,

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Making the most of your small spaces

When it comes to working with a small home, it can be tricky to create functional and beautiful spaces, however, our team have many years of experience delivering stunning homes in all shapes and sizes, so we have a few tips and tricks to help you. The most important thing to consider when renovating a small home is that function

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Things to Consider Before Renovating your Kitchen

Before starting your kitchen renovation, there are a few important things that you should take into consideration. From the budget to schedule, thinking them through can be the difference between your dream kitchen and an average kitchen. The Budget As with any renovation, the budget plays an important role. It can dictate many of the choices you will need to

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Renovate or Rebuild

Deciding to renovate or rebuild your home can come down to many factors, from finances to the structure of the home. Knocking down a home can be a daunting process so remember to take all factors into consideration before deciding.


Renovation Tips

Before starting your home renovation, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared for the upcoming project.


Renovating a Queenslander

If you are considering giving your Queenslander a makeover, it’s important to take note of the rules and regulations surrounding these Brisbane houses.


Bathroom Trends

When it comes to executing a bathroom renovation, it’s important to think ahead, this includes budgeting, your renovation team and time. But first, you need to seek some inspiration.


Renovating for Christmas

We are already well into September, so before we know it, Christmas will be here! Plans are starting to be made, holidays booked, lunch menus discussed and perhaps some renovation ideas have been thrown into the mix. September is the perfect time to be making renovation plans as it can allow enough time for a quick revamp without time pressure. 

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Upwards or Outwards?

There comes a time in many of our lives that the homes we bought simply don’t fit our needs anymore, and the question of “what now?” is asked. Most of the time this could be solved with some renovations and rearranging, however, this poses a new question- upwards or outwards? This decision comes down to how the new space is

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